Self-Injury Awareness Day - March 1st 2022

Have you noticed the signs but aren't sure how to help? Learning that someone you love self-injures can be a difficult situation to handle and understand. The most important thing you should know is that you can help them overcome this. This isn’t to say that their pain will go away easily or quickly, but your help and support will go a long way in their recovery. 

People self-injure for many reasons. It could be as common as stress from school or work or something more sensitive such as bullying and abuse. Individuals who self-injure do not normally share this action because it can sometimes be labeled as “attention-seeking” and cause them even more emotional distress.

If you believe someone you know or love is self-injuring, here are a few signs to look out for: self-isolation, frequent injury, multiple scaring patterns, or suddenly wearing long clothing items. People who self-harm are used to hiding these signs so it might be hard to notice these at first. The important thing is that you know how to help them once you are aware. 

It is crucial that you do not show judgment. Portraying judgment could cause them to inflict additional harm or cause them to isolate even more. Support and understanding are essential when helping someone who is self-injuring. Their reason for doing this may not make sense to you, but showing support and simply listening and helping them talk about what they are going through, validates their feelings.

Once you feel it is the appropriate time, assure them that recovery is possible and, when they are ready, seek out options and resources. Help them create a plan to start the recovery process and focus on what best suits the individual and their goals for recovery. Support groups and professional help are great first steps to recovery. To discuss with someone who is going through a similar situation or someone who can offer a different perspective can help create a more supportive and understanding environment if the individual is able to relate to others around them.

At Center for Emotional Health, we are staffed with highly trained and experienced mental health professionals who are here to help you through every step of recovery. With our many locations across North Carolina and virtual appointment options receiving services has never been more convenient.

For more information about our services please call (704) 237 - 4240
or visit us at


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