A Winter Wonderland… Is It Really?

As we get into winter, and the colder months, you may hear people talking about the “winter blues” they experience every year, or even how they experience “cabin fever” toward the end of winter and just have to get outside. But are these things real? The short answer is yes. These things are very real, and affect many, many people – and knowing a bit about how they happen can help if you find yourself dealing with a case of the winter blues, or even some cabin fever later in the season. For many people, winter is a tough time. The shorter days, the longer nights, and even the lower temperatures, can affect us pretty significantly. We may be cooped up inside due to temperatures or weather conditions, and start to feel a bit off. We may also become more irritable, or even a bit depressed. So what’s causing this change in our moods? Well, among other factors, our circadian rhythms are to blame. Get Some Rhythm You have probably heard about the circadian rhythm, and how it regulates our sl...